

Leveling the ground for every child

Child playing with ball

Background Story 👋

I played football, soccer, futsal for as long as I can remember. In fact, I could not recall a time when I was not kicking a ball and playing on a field. Football was something I took for granted, a hobby that feels as natural and accessible as any other childhood activity.

I only understood this to be a privilege when I recently joined a football club in Indonesia during one of my school holidays. I observed kids not much younger than me, passing by and pausing their daily errands to watch us play. They were so busy with the chores at home that they did not have time to play, let alone afford a ball or shoes to play at a field.

Football is powerful! It inspires, teaches, builds community and brings people together... I could not imagine my life without it. Realizing that many did not have that opportunity to access, play and grow up with football drives me to share that privilege and make football available to every child who dreams of playing.

Our Mission 😁

Mission Icon 1

To make football accessible for every child in Surabaya, especially those with limited resources.

Mission Icon 2

To help children raise their confidence through participation in sports.

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To teach children leadership skills, teamwork & other life skills through football.

Events &Program ⚽

Event 1

GoalsforGood Weekly Training

Event 2

GoalsforGood Weekly Training

Event 3

GoalsforGood Weekly Training

Our Partners 🤝

We can't do it alone. Our Partner support can make all the difference. Together, let's fuel dreams to every child who dreams of playing.

Get Involved 🤝

Every child deserves to experience theclass joy, camaraderie, and inspiration class that football brings. However, many lack access and support to make this dream a reality.class Our mission is to bridge this gap byclass providing equipment, training, and safe spaces to play . Together, we can give these kids a brighter future, one goal at a time.

Get Involved